This is just a short post today. Just an update you might call it.
So what have you missed? Nothing exciting.
- Some bellend called Donald trump wants to become president. You'd think he is complete twat tbh.
- There's been a few dance moves out recently. The Dab and the Nay Nae. They're pretty fkn shit (they're kinda catchy tho but shhhhhhh don't tell anyone i said that!)
- Bieber kinda became a massive thing. He's dropped some pure bangers.
- Meme's. So MaNY MEMES
2 years though...
How the heck has it been 2 years already. How time flies. We are nearing the final few weeks of college now. Im preparing to go to Uni. Scary times. To Think that this time 2 years ago we were all preparing to do our exams (Which i know you would of smashed btw.) is absolutely fricking cray cray.
Sometimes i stop and just think, i wonder how things would of ended up if you were still with us? Would you have gone to College? What what you of studied? Would you be going to uni. Who know's what would of happened aye. All i know is that whatever you would of chosen to do in your life, you would of absolutely smashed it, even if you would of got distracted along the way ;)
Sometime i get random memories pop up on my facebook of me and you and they really make me smile. The other day the video of you me and Sammie in science popped up, you know the one where you said "oh No" in the family guy accent? Fkn classic Luke that was. Super good times <3
People say everything happens for a reason. I reckon the reason you left us is because everyone in heaven needed you brains and your humor more than us.I'm sure we would all do anything to have it back though <3
Anyway buddy. I miss you so much. I love you so much.
Until next year